Vassilis Makris
Leica Akademie Instructor
Vassilis Makris is a professional photographer and photography instructor at the Leica Academy in Greece, specialising in architectural, industrial, and stage photography.
He has worked in various countries in the European Region and America, and since 2017 he has been running seminars and masterclasses organized by Leica Akademie Greece.
Vassilis took a Xiaomi 14 Ultra as his sole piece of equipment and journeyed to the island of Tinos, known for its authentic spirit and beauty to prepare a series of masterclasses in photography.
Each lesson would focus on teaching the basics of photography to all those who are passionate about the art form as a means to express themselves, and at the same time, highlight the many capabilities of this wonderful new device.

Xiaomi Master Class by Vassilis Makris
The Cycladic authenticity and advanced camera technology of the new XIaomi 14 Ultra help to see the world in a new light. Through #XiaomiMasterClass Supported by Leica, Vassilis Makris, Leica Akademie instructor, will show you the capabilities of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra and uncover every detail of the scenery. Tune in for more...

Xiaomi Master Class by Vassilis Makris | Chapter 1
Κάθε λεπτομέρεια ζωντανεύει μέσα από την κάμερα του Xiaomi 14 Ultra, που υπόσχεται ευκρίνεια ακόμα και στις πιο απαιτητικές συνθήκες. Με τους φακούς Summilux της Leica, το φως και το τοπίο της Τήνου μετατρέπονται σε έργα τέχνης. Μέσα από το #XiaomiMasterClass με τον καταξιωμένο φωτογράφο Βασίλη Μακρή, θα ανακαλύψεις πώς η τεχνολογία συναντά την αυθεντικότητα και την έμπνευση!